Xia- (pronounced "sheeya") was born first at 4:05 am and she weighed 4 lbs. & 9.7 oz. measuring 18 inches! 
Ru- came next at 4:09 am and he weighed 4 lbs. & 1.6 oz. measuring 17-3/4 inches

Ru- came next at 4:09 am and he weighed 4 lbs. & 1.6 oz. measuring 17-3/4 inches

Zhen- was last at 4:12 am and she weighed 3 lbs. & 15.7 oz. measuring 18 inches

As you can see, they are just beautiful and perfect! Their daddies are super excited now that they are here. The babies did not need to go to NICU and were breathing on their own after delivery. They also scored high apgar scores. They are doing so well that they aren't even staying in the hospital as long as the doctors estimated...in fact, I hear that they might be going home this Friday (Jan 11th)! WOW!
It is just amazing and wonderful that my pregnancy with the triplets was uneventful and we proved everyone (well those who thought we were at risk if I carried the triplets) wrong. The doctors were extremely pleased for the fact that I carried the babies for so long without problems. I was even scheduled for a c-section at 35 1/2 weeks...but I think baby Ru was determined to get out sooner (and not to mention keep me from the Big Bingo Event at the Casino on Jan 5th!) lol I did go on bedrest on Nov 19th because I was so tired and worried about when I would fall asleep on my youngest who just turned 3 yrs old. The doctors felt that there was stress with carrying the triplets and I didn't need to be worrying about my little one...so bedrest would be good now to keep the babies from coming.
Well, I suppose this wonderful journey is coming to an end. I thank God for watching over the triplets and me....and for helping me bring these strong healthy babies into the world for their proud daddy. I thank my husband and 4 children for their support and patience throughout this nearly 2 year journey! Many missed events but they understood...but they also got to spend more quality time with their dad and that's always fun. Many thanks to Susie for watching my little one for all my appointments and so I could get some rest during the days! And lastly, many thanks to the babies' daddy for choosing me to be his surrogate...for all the awesome charms for my bracelet that symbolizes many events in our journey.
It is a journey that we will all remember and I'm happy that I could help bring joy and happiness for another family. It will be nice to get the yearly "Christmas pics" and watch from afar, the triplets growing up.
Good luck, my friends, and cherish every moment with those beautiful little babies of yours!
God Bless!
A Surrogate Mom