Friday, January 1, 2021



A year ago when I was in LA for Christmas, I was able to visit with the Triplets, Ru & Miguel. I am loving the Facebook memories of that time and knowing that I have those to look forward to every year... until our next get together!

Crazy realizing that 15 years ago on Dec 31st, 2005, I was thinking about doing surrogacy for a family not related to me. 13 years ago at this time of my post, my water broke (thanks to Lil Ru) and the journey in my belly was coming to an end!

In a few hours (like 5 hours, lol), Ru & Miguel will have not ONE but THREE TEENAGERS! These last 13 years have been incredible for me to watch them grow up from this...

to this...

almost 13!!!

And, like I said, in 5 hours the Triplets will be THIRTEEN YEARS OLD!!!

Happy 13th Birthday, Xia, Ru & Zhen!!!

I am truly Blessed & Grateful for being able to see you three and your dads via social media! I look forward to visiting sometime soon!  I hope you all have a wonderful birthday!

(Picture from their Christmas Card)

Miss & Love you Stevens-Ortiz family!!!
Love Always from MN,

A Surrogate Mom (Kerri)