I figured how to get pictures on here!!! oh yeah! I dont know about you, but I've never seen an ultrasound of multiples before. So hope you find this interesting. The tech numbered the babies (the sacs). You can't really see much from this picture...well the babies which are smaller then peanuts do not show up when I take a pic of the pic. Baby #1 in the pic is measuring a day or so behind with a slow heartbeat, so we are saying prayers daily so that they baby will grow and get stronger. Baby #2 and #3 are measuring fine and have strong heartbeats. I believe in miracles...so anything can happen, right?!
I can not tell you how crappy I feel from having the morning sickness feel 24/7. I've also had a cold and cough...a cold and cough in the summer! Crazy! So the coughing hasn't really helped for sleeping. Luckily its summer vacation and the bigger kids and DH have been helping out a lot. Unfortunately, on top of the yukky cough and cold....my suburban is sick...lol Not sure what is wrong with it...just doesn't start. I'm not too anxious to see it work as the air conditioner doesn't work and I'm enjoying using my hubby's newer truck! (Unfortunately, hubby seems to think that replacing the suburban is more important then our family trip to DisneyWorld next year. We'll have to discuss that another time when I'm not so emotional, lol)
Now if that's not enough....the refrigerator which is just under 6 years old....decides NOT to work! great! Trying to get it to work before we have to pay someone to come and look at it. I actually wouldn't mind a new frig anyways....although you'd think a brand new frig could last at least 10 years!
Ok...what next??? How about the stove??? Don't get me going on how the burners only work when they want to. lol Well this is a very old FREE stove given to us last year...so I can't really complain too much....
Next.... ok the super nice John Deere lawnmower that my hubby had to have....guess his excuse for not mowing the overgrown grass is the lawnmower needs a new blade. He says without a new blade, the motor in the lawnmotor will be ruined. Am I gullable to believe that? Well he's getting a new blade next week! That's something affordable! lol It will be nice to not see those UGLY YELLOW weeds in the grass! URGH....to think we spent so much $$$ on lawn service the last two years to make it look nice...it just doesn't seem to matter b/c the neighbors don't weed their lawn and it blows into our lawn! URGH bet our neighbors on the other side just love us now! lol
I think that is about it for things breaking around here...at the same time! Actually things like this normally happen to us in the month of December! oh well, nothing I can really do about it now...we'll just deal with it one at a time!
Oh, some sad news...my local OB tells me that he will not be able to help me with triplets. Our high tech hospital is not equipped for other then singletons and twins! Ok, well I sort of new that...but I decided to take a nice long nap to see if that issue would go away. lol Luckily I found out that the same Allina facility can help me in Coon Rapids where then I could deliver at Mercy Hospital, which is where I delivered my baby #3 and #4. I used to go to the Coon Rapids Women's clinic when I had #3 but then our insurance changed. So I will at least be familiar with the ofc and hospital. ALSO the peri-natal drs are not too far away from the CR Women's clinic...and should the babies deliver before 34 weeks, everything will be in order for me to go to Abbot where they have the best facilities for high risk pregnancies. phew.... Well I'm not going to really look at relocating drs until after my 10 week ultrasound. Of course if baby #3 does not make it, I will be able to just stay in Cambridge, as planned.
Super thanks to my IP. When I flew out to LA in May, I put my surrogate charm bracelet in my suitcase which I checked. And it was missing by the time I got to the hotel in LA. I've been so bummed. BUT thanks to my IP, he's replaced the important charms for me and then some. I noticed that he did not replace the silver suburban....hmmm....I wonder if that means I will be getting the real thing now??? ROFL OMG, I am so just kidding. I thought that might be a nice laugh for him as he reads this. :) One of the new charms is one that has 3 hanging hearts for the 3 baby heartbeats. I have to take the bracelet to the jeweler to get some rings to attach them to the bracelet and then sodered so they won't fall off. I also received another charm from the agency. Its a stork! Anyways...I love me bracelet. Will have to take a picture of it and post it here another time.
Well time to get ready for bed. I have a big day tomorrow. Its "my day," meaning a day of bingo at the casino. lol Well I have tickets for the boat drawing and other fun $$$ prizes...drawings at 1, 3 and 5. Of course I have to be there for that! lol Play a little bingo and if I win, I will stay and play again in the evening. That's always fun...and a lot cheaper then playing the slots. lol I hope I win something in the drawing. I always try to. Oh yeah...and at the night bingo they are having a drawing for 7 $100 gas cards. So I guess I will have to stay for the evening Bingo session! I think I have a lot of tickets in that drawing too! Better chances for me for the gas cards!
Have a great weekend!
A Surrogate Mom